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Directory of Organizations

Search Results

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Organization Name
Calgary, Alberta, Serving: Calgary
Provides assistance for tenants in accessing health care, referrals to community agencies, service for men with housing difficulty because of mental health issues, emotional support.
Lévis, Québec (Province), Serving: Rive-Sud
Un groupe de défense et de revendication des droits sociaux pour les personnes recevant des prestations d'assistance-emploi (aide sociale) et un lieu de rencontre pour accueillir tous les citoyens et les citoyennes de la Rive-Sud qui se sentent lésés dans leurs droits sociaux. Notre association peut aussi vous référer à des organismes communautaires qui pourraient répondre à des besoins plus spécifiques.
Drummondville, Québec (Province), Serving: Drummondville
La mission est d'offrir un lieu de rencontre aux personnes exclues et démunies afin de briser leur isolement et de leur fournir un support aux niveau social, psychologique, physique et affectif et ce dans la but ultime de les aider à sortir du cercle vicieux de l'appauvrissement. Nous offrons des repas à prix modiques, une service d'accueil et de référence avec l'équipe d'intervenants(es), l'éducation populaire, et le plateau de travail, qui offre l'occasion d'acquérir ou de retrouver des habilités de travail.
Edmonton, Alberta, Serving: Edmonton
Provides youth with cost effective legal defense, to prevent the client from returning with further charges, through preventive work, rehabilitation and treatment and searching for programs in the community as a distinct alternative to incarceration.
Lethbridge, Alberta, Serving: Lethbridge
Provides monthly food hampers, daily food supplements, and clothing vouchers to those in need.
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Serving: Fredericton
Offers a Second Stage Housing program that provides safe, affordable housing and support services to women and children who have experienced family violence.
London, Ontario, Serving: London
Endeavours to prevent homelessness among clients who are struggling to provide for their families on low incomes. Advocates assist in the resolution of related crises. Also provides direct services, such as The Heat and Warmth (THAW) to keep families at high risk of becoming homeless in their homes, by providing emergency financial support or mediated payment plans to maintain vital services.
Lloydminster, Alberta, Serving: Lloydminster
Provides free of charge temporary shelter for women and children experiencing domestic violence, housing crisis, or other family crisis situations. We offer support services for residents and non-residents, as well as referrals and a 24-hour information line. We also provide clothing, transportation, and assistance with legal, financial, and housing concerns.
Montreal, Québec (Province), Serving: Montreal
Provides shelter and aid to female victims of domestic violence and their children.
London, Ontario, Serving: London
A non-profit charitable organization that assists low-income Londoners find affordable housing.

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