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Initiative Profiles

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Lead Organization
RENT - Resources Exist for Networking and Training
Toronto, Ontario, Serving: Toronto
Builds capacity of the housing help sector by providing a peer-based training program in which networking is a key component and coordinated resource development a priority.
Rideau Street Youth Enterprises
Ottawa, Ontario, Serving: Ottawa
Operating a training program for "hard to serve" young adults, between the ages of 16 and 25, the goal is to provide street-involved youth with employment opportunities so that they learn the practical skills necessary to enter (or re-enter) the workforce or the educational system.
Rossbrook House Inc.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Serving: Winnipeg
Serving approximately 5,000 young people each year (mostly Aboriginal), the drop-in encourages and supports alternatives to life on the streets.

Participants can access a range of social, recreational and educational programs designed in response to their stated needs and interests.
Family Transition Place
Orangeville, Ontario, Serving: Dufferin County
Providing safe transitional housing, goal-oriented counseling, and developmental opportunities for abused women and their children, this non-profit operates in the town of Orangeville, Ontario.
Mustard SEED Street Ministry
Calgary, Alberta, Serving: Calgary
Emergency accommodation linked with support services for homeless and other disadvantaged men and women in Calgary’s urban core. Services include a large drop-in serving 1200 meals a day, emergency and transitional housing, educational, health and religious services.
Street Haven at the Crossroads
Toronto, Ontario, Serving: Toronto
One of a number of programs offered by Street Haven, the Learning Centre runs out of the Adelaide Women’s Resource Centre and provides literacy and basic skills training, computer access and job search assistance to marginalized women who are homeless or underhoused.
Anishnawbe Health Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Serving: Toronto
Outreach and harm-reduction responses to Aboriginal and other homeless people in Toronto and helping them to shelter is the focus. With over 42,700 encounters with homeless people annually, the service provides food, supplies and transportation. Follow-up with clients occurs through Biindged Circle of Care and is based on a case management model adapted to Aboriginal values and resources.
Urban Core Support Network
Saint John, New Brunswick, Serving: Saint John
A partnership of individuals and organizations working to alleviate poverty in Saint John. The focus is on public awareness, policy analysis and advocacy to remove barriers experienced by people living in poverty. The network has a particular research and policy interest in the barriers faced by poor and low-income women.
St. Leonard's House (Peel)
Brampton, Ontario, Serving: Peel Region
A pre-apprenticeship program for at risk youth in Peel Region that employs participants on a full time basis for six months while teaching woodworking and employment skills. Youth aged 16 to 24 work under a master craftsman in a supervised workshop, and are supported through the life challenges that they face in developing new skills and connecting to potential employers.
Youth Alternative Housing Committee
Calgary, Alberta, Serving: Calgary
An unincorporated consortium of non-profit agencies dedicated to improving the scope and quality of assistance to homeless youth. YAHC focuses on disadvantaged youth 14-17 years of age who have left their families and are not actively engaged with the child welfare system. Main activities include: education, advocacy, sharing information and experiences among agencies, learning how youth understand their needs, and supporting the establishment of responsive youth housing programs.

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