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Initiative Profiles

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Lead Organization
Shelter, Housing and Support Division, Community and Neighbourhood Services Department, City of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Serving: Toronto
Aiming to assist people to move from living on the streets to emergency accommodation and from emergency to permanent accommodation as well as supporting individuals to retain stable accommodation, HIF funds a variety of community-based programs. HIF also increases the coordination of services for homeless and at-risk individuals.
Horizon Housing Society
Calgary, Alberta, Serving: Calgary
Housing for persons with mental illness and other special needs. Over 435 tenants are housed in 13 residential complexes ranging from single detached houses to large apartment buldings.
Waterloo, Ontario, Serving: Waterloo Region
A single point of access to services for individuals attempting to stabilize their housing situation. Services focus on moving individuals from emergency to permanent accommodation as well as preventing homelessness by supporting the retention of permanent accommodations. Operates through various decentralized locations.
Metro Non-Profit Housing Association
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Serving: Dartmouth
Two coordinators work with clients to provide counselling services, referrals, and information on a variety of topics, including temporary housing options, avoiding eviction and budgeting. Clients are encouraged to use a housing registry that lists potential landlords recommended by the Centre. The Centre also operates a drop-in, offering a warm environment with breakfast, coffee, telephones, and peer-support. Health services are available weekly through scheduled visits from a public health nurse and a physician.
L’Avenue Inc.
Montreal, Québec (Province), Serving: Montréal
Consists of a youth shelter that targets social and economic integration of young men and women 18 to 29 years (12 spaces); 6 shared apartments with community support housing 23 young men and women between 18 and 30 years; 14 studios and 6 one-bedroom apartments for youth. Other components grew out of the integration of youth into the labour market and include a community Internet centre, technical support, and an Internet gateway.
Main Street Project, Inc.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Serving: Winnipeg
Provides a safe, respectful and accessible place for individuals at risk in our community. The agency advocates for a more inclusive society and assists marginalized individuals to make real choices. Services include: crisis, shelter, transitional housing, Detox, and detention area for intoxicated persons.
Fonds dédié à l’habitation communautaire (FDHC)
Montreal, Québec (Province), Serving: Montréal
A pilot project of the Fonds dédié à l’habitation communautaire (FDHC), formed ten years ago to set up a housing trust fund (using the American model) for homelessness projects.

The pilot project provides 22 housing units for women, developed in close collaboration with three partners (the Centre Dollard-Cormier, the Réseau habitation femmes et Montreal Women’s Y). The pilot project provides transitional housing while demonstrating the integration and financing of community support and housing and the use of a participatory process which empowers both partners and residents. The pilot project was also an opportunity to test a number of financial hypotheses for a housing trust fund.
Aspen Family and Community Network Society
Calgary, Alberta, Serving: Calgary
Provides moving assistance to low-income families who are relocating residences.
Choices for Youth
St. John's, Newfoundland, Serving: St. John’s and area
Community-based supported housing program working with 45 youth living in the community. CFY is constructing and will operate a multi-agency youth services centre, co-located with a shelter for young males in downtown St. John’s. Opening in winter 2004, the centre will operate through a partnership model, focusing on the needs of youth 12 to 29.
National Housing and Homelessness Network
Toronto, Ontario, Serving: Canada
Influencing federal policy on social housing and homelessness through a network of frontline workers and community organizations is a key function of NHHN. Strategies include: lobbying housing ministers; public actions to raise awareness of homelessness issues, and media campaigns.

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