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Initiative Profiles

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Lead Organization
Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC)
Regina, Saskatchewan, Serving: Regina, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw, Prince Albert
This home ownership program provides financial assistance and social supports to low-income families. Approximately 200 families, organized into housing cooperatives of ten families each, occupy their own homes on a lease-to-own basis. 28 co-ops are supported by 7 non-profit community development organizations active in Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, and Moose Jaw.
Ottawa Inner City Health Project
Ottawa, Ontario, Serving: Ottawa, downtown core
Provide health care services to men and women who are chronically homeless and unable to use regular services due to lifestyle or complex health needs.
Slocan Valley Seniors Housing Society
Slocan Park, British Columbia, Serving: Slocan Valley
A serviced residence for seniors, some of whom are living with disabilities. The lodge is designed to meet the unique needs of rural seniors in a supportive community environment.
Toronto, Ontario, Serving: Toronto
Youth who were or are homeless and involved in street life are provided with part-time supervised employment to assist them to develop specific life skills, enhance their self esteem, earn an income and ultimately become economically independent. In partnership with professional staff, they then reach out to hundreds of youth who are currently street involved. They provide street outreach services, work in a drop-in, participate in community education activities and serve as “consultants” on issues impacting street involved youth.
Phoenix Youth Programs
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Serving: Halifax
Provides a continuum of care and services for homeless and at risk youth, including a homelessness prevention program, shelter, longer-term residential facility, supervised apartments, and a 24-hour drop-in centre. Counseling, referrals, health care, recreational activities, literacy and pre-employment training are among the services provided.
Portland Hotel Society
Vancouver, British Columbia, Serving: Vancouver
Permanent semi-private accommodation with supports to persons with concurrent disorders takes the form of 86 single-occupancy units, each with its own bathroom, shared kitchens and some provision of meals. Eight mental health workers provide round-the-clock support and arrange for specialized services for residents.
Projet Intervention Prostitution Québec inc. (PIPQ)
Québec, Québec (Province), Serving: Québec
A resource offering support and holistic intervention for youth with problems linked to prostitution. PIPQ has two major objectives: (1) to help youth involved in prostitution to find a path out, and (2) to work at prevention among youth and increase awareness of the realities of prostitution.
Ontario Multifaith Council on Spiritual and Religious Care (OMC)
North York, Ontario, Serving: Ontario
Community re-integration of people released from Ontario prisons by mobilizing resources within Ontario’s faith communities. The program supports large numbers of people released from prison and helps them avoid homelessness and re-connect with employment and other community, support and social opportunities.
Research Alliance for Canadian Homelessness, Housing and Health (REACH3)
Toronto, Ontario, Serving: Canada
National alliance of academic researchers and community -based organizations with a focus on expanding understanding of the causes and consequences of homelessness in Canada, the health disparities affecting homeless adults and street-involved youth, and the complex social, economic, and behavioral forces underlying these disparities. Ultimate goal is to work towards developing creative and effective solutions to these problems that are responsive to local community needs and uniquely suited to the Canadian setting.
RAPSIM (Réseau D’aide Aux Personnes Seules Et Itinérantes De Montréal)
Montreal, Québec (Province), Serving: Montreal
To defend the rights of homeless persons in Montreal. Activities include raising awareness of homelessness issues, information sharing, training, community action, lobbying and research.

While RAPSIM is a membership organization, its activities and services go beyond members to reach the larger community and key local, regional and provincial decision makers in the fight against homelessness, poverty, and exclusion.

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