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Initiative Profiles

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Lead Organization
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ottawa Branch
Ottawa, Ontario, Serving: Ottawa
Helping clients with serious mental illness obtain and retain appropriate housing through one-on-one casework is the service’s main focus. Many clients living with mental illness also live with addictions, developmental disability, physical disability, serious physical health problems, or a history of abuse. Annually 540 clients receive short-term assistance to help them secure housing and 260 clients are in a long-term case management program to help them retain their housing.
Edmonton Coalition on Housing and Homelessness (ECOHH)
Edmonton, Alberta, Serving: Edmonton
A coalition with approximately 35 member agencies, with a mandate to identify local issues related to homelessness and affordable housing and to respond through action.
Edmonton Housing Trust Fund
Edmonton, Alberta, Serving: Edmonton
Provides new and innovative sources and mechanisms for financing the acquisition and development of community-based housing for low and moderate-income households in order to facilitate social and economic investment in the Edmonton community. Funds activities identified in the Edmonton Community Plan on Homelessness, with a focus on building successful public, not-for-profit and private sector partnerships and addressing the highest priority needs in the community.
Edmonton Inner City Housing Society
Edmonton, Alberta, Serving: Edmonton
Community-based, non-profit housing developer and property manager providing long-term, decent, affordable housing and supportive property management for low-income people in Edmonton’s inner city neighbourhoods.
Eva's Initiatives
Toronto, Ontario, Serving: Toronto
A 50 unit transitional housing and employment training facility for homeless and at-risk youth aged 16 to 29. The focus is on supporting youth as they work towards self-sufficiency. This one-year program includes independent living, life skills training, mentoring, employment counselling, job coaching, and on-the-job work experience in a variety of careers.
First Steps Housing Project Inc.
Saint John, New Brunswick, Serving: Saint John
A safe and supportive transitional residence for pregnant homeless young women and their infants. Support networks for the young women are available through partnerships with existing programs and services in the community. First Steps enables young mothers aged 16-29 and their children to grow and learn in a safe environment, hence decreasing the cycle of violence, poverty, and abuse.
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)/PEI Division
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Serving: Charlottetown
Provides individuals with mental health challenges with an environment to help them achieve a level of confidence that promotes productive and socially satisfying lives. Clubhouse members participate in meaningful work activities as part of a pre-vocational day program and staff help place them in paid employment positions in the community. A residential program provides housing for 59 tenants in a supportive environment.
Hamilton Urban Core Community Health Centre
Hamilton, Ontario, Serving: Hamilton
Goal is to improve the health and well being of Hamilton’s inner city populations by facilitating their access to health services. With 7,800 active clients, the centre offers a range of community and clinical services. Results are measured in terms of improvements in health, stability of housing, the capacity to care for oneself and one’s children, and the ability to access necessary services.
Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre (PARC)
Toronto, Ontario, Serving: Toronto
Outreach and primary health care services for homeless and socially isolated women and men are offered in a drop-in setting which includes meals, housing referrals, counselling, and case management.
Herstreet / La rue des Femmes de Montréal
Montréal, Québec (Province), Serving: Montréal
Three integrated components are located in Olga House. The overnight shelter for homeless women has 23 spaces, of which 20 are separate rooms for short, medium, and long stays as well as emergency shelter. The day centre welcomes destitute and at risk women while facilitating preventative and follow up work with them. The structure-building activities program gives women an opportunity to heal and take control of their lives. The program includes individual counselling, housing support (finding an apartment, negotiations, budget), as well as physical therapy (e.g. stress management, massages) and physical and creative activities (i.e. painting, sculpture, crafts, photography, percussion).

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