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585 Directory Listings : 44 Initiative Profiles : 10 Resources

Kentville, Nova Scotia
Directory Listings
Provides shelter, support, counselling, advocacy, and outreach for abused women and their children. We also offer a 24-hour crisis line, assistance with the legal and social service systems, and public education programs.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
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Rekindles the purpose of a meaningful healthy life. This program helps individuals off the streets of Winnipeg and onto a road to recovery and healing.
Hamilton, Ontario
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Outreaches to and develops relationships with individuals living on the street or in shelters and assists them in accessing health, social and housing services. Focus is on individuals living with a mental illness.
St. John's, Newfoundland
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Is responsible for administration and management of 424 houses/apartments throughout the city. This housing consists of one, two, three and four bedrooms and is available to low and moderate income earners and is rented on the basis of gross family income.
Vancouver, British Columbia
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Provides Vancouver tenants with information and referral regarding housing and related services, and with legal information regarding tenant/landlord rights and responsibilities. Also offers limited relocation assistance to senior citizens and people with disabilities who are unable to search for housing on their own.
Saint John, New Brunswick
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Provides programs/ services to women in conflict with the law and survivors of childhood incest.
Montréal, Québec (Province)
Initiative Profiles
The 14 member team is made up of nurses, doctors, social workers, and a community organiser. Since 1990 the team has been working with the homeless population in downtown Montreal. The work is undertaken on a number of levels: outreach that includes a weekly round of visits in the principle resources for homeless persons (soup kitchens, shelters, etc.) and in places where homeless persons have been seen; afternoon walk-in clinics at the CLSC; Tuesday and Thursday afternoon support in applying for a health insurance card; liaison with the community sector; and participation in research. The services offered to homeless persons include nursing as well as medical and psychological outpatient services.
Calgary, Alberta
Initiative Profiles
Provides grants to non-profit organizations seeking to address housing needs as identified by the community. A peer-review process evaluates and ranks project proposals in light of priorities for action identified through community consultation. Proposals which rank highly are matched with funders prepared to invest in housing solutions for Calgary’s homeless.
Montréal, Québec (Province)
Directory Listings
Major objectives are to develop and expand knowledge about homelessness and extreme poverty and integrate this knowledge through research practices based on partnerships and exchanges with various milieus. The CRI brings together university researchers, practitioners from institutional and community groups, and representatives of public and community organisations specializing in homelessness.
Montréal, Québec (Province)
Initiative Profiles
The major objectives of the Collectif de recherche sur l'itinérance, la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale (CRI) are to develop and expand knowledge about homelessness and extreme poverty and integrate this knowledge through research practices based on partnerships and exchanges with various milieus. It brings together university researchers, practioners from community and institutional groups, and representatives of public and community organisations specializing in homelessness.

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