Resources Exist for Networking and Training (RENT)
Lead Organization: RENT - Resources Exist for Networking and Training
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Serving: Toronto
Builds capacity of the housing help sector by providing a peer-based training program in which networking is a key component and coordinated resource development a priority.
About the Initiative
Types of Activities: Partnership / coalition development, Organizational capacity dev.
Principal Clients: Other
Scope: Regional
Setting: Urban
Started: January 2000 to: ongoing
Annual Budget: $50,000 - $250,000
Types of Funding: Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (Government of Canada); Ontario Trillium Foundation
Offers Services In: English
Mailing Address: Resources Exist for Networking and Training (RENT)
c/o East York East Toronto Family Resources, 947 Queen St. E., Toronto, Ontario M4M 1J9
Contact Person: Elisabeth Ziegler, Manager, Housing Programs and Services
Web site: