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Initiative Profiles

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Lead Organization
Affordable New Home Development Foundation
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Serving: Saskatoon
Assiting low income households work towards home ownership through education, support and information.
Anglican Social Services Centre 454
Ottawa, Ontario, Serving: Ottawa
A part-time arts program conceived and developed to improve the quality of life and self-esteem of homeless, street-involved and low-income people. Program includes art-making sessions held three times a week, art-related field trips, social planning meetings and exhibitions with art sales held every two months.
Stella Burry Community Services
St. John's, Newfoundland, Serving: St. John's
A 14 unit supportive housing project integrated with education, employment and health supports to meet the needs of low-income, hard to house individuals, including those with mental illness and addictions and individuals coming out of institutions. A strong and continuing emphasis on community development has avoided a NIMBY backlash. Initiative has resulted in increased collaboration between service providers.
Causeway Work Centre
Ottawa, Ontario, Serving: Ottawa and Eastern Ontario
A non-profit agency working with persons with disabilities in a rehabilitation model, with a focus on employment as a key component of recovery and integration in the community. The centre operates a range of client-centered programs that combine business and social service models to create employment readiness and opportunities for clients with mental illness.
Centre 507 Association of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario, Serving: Ottawa
A drop-in program providing a safe and welcoming environment for chronically homeless individuals, those at risk of homelessness, or experiencing isolation in rooming houses or run-down apartments.

As clients reach a level of comfort with 507 staff, staff can pro-actively intervene by providing basic toiletry supplies, clothing, advocacy and referrals to other agencies (eg. job training or housing programs). The Centre offers supportive listening for clients, but not formal counselling.
Centre local de services communautaires (CLSC) des Faubourgs Équipe Itinérance (Homelessness Team)
Montréal, Québec (Province), Serving: Montréal
The 14 member team is made up of nurses, doctors, social workers, and a community organiser. Since 1990 the team has been working with the homeless population in downtown Montreal. The work is undertaken on a number of levels: outreach that includes a weekly round of visits in the principle resources for homeless persons (soup kitchens, shelters, etc.) and in places where homeless persons have been seen; afternoon walk-in clinics at the CLSC; Tuesday and Thursday afternoon support in applying for a health insurance card; liaison with the community sector; and participation in research. The services offered to homeless persons include nursing as well as medical and psychological outpatient services.
Calgary Homeless Foundation
Calgary, Alberta, Serving: Calgary
Provides grants to non-profit organizations seeking to address housing needs as identified by the community. A peer-review process evaluates and ranks project proposals in light of priorities for action identified through community consultation. Proposals which rank highly are matched with funders prepared to invest in housing solutions for Calgary’s homeless.
Collectif de recherche sur l’itinérance, la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale (CRI)
Montréal, Québec (Province), Serving: Québec and Beyond
The major objectives of the Collectif de recherche sur l'itinérance, la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale (CRI) are to develop and expand knowledge about homelessness and extreme poverty and integrate this knowledge through research practices based on partnerships and exchanges with various milieus. It brings together university researchers, practioners from community and institutional groups, and representatives of public and community organisations specializing in homelessness.
Native Women’s Transition Centre
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Serving: Winnipeg
Culturally appropriate long-term individual counseling and group facilitation for women dealing with violence and compulsive coping behaviors.
Covenant House Vancouver
Vancouver, British Columbia, Serving: Vancouver
Walk-in services for young people aged 13 to 24 years needing basic support (meals, food packages, bus fare, clothing, and hygiene products), counselling, information and advocacy.

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