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1099 Directory Listings : 81 Initiative Profiles : 42 Resources

Vancouver, British Columbia
Directory Listings
A self-referral program for street-involved youth between the ages of 16-18 years. The Safehouse is a non-judgmental place, where street youth can come to be free from sexual and/ or physical exploitation. The Safehouse is a resource for young people who wish to make positive changes in their lives.
Williams Lake, British Columbia
Directory Listings
Shelter and services for hard to house populations. Services take into account historical wrongs committed against vulnerable populations and current disadvantages they face, with the goal of empowerment.
Longueuil, Québec (Province)
Directory Listings
Offers short-term shelter and other social services to men aged 18 and older who are homeless, physically or mentally ill, unemployed, or coping with addiction.
Montreal, Québec (Province)
Directory Listings
Offers long term housing within the community, as well as the support needed to promote independent living, for people with a mental illness.
Toronto, Ontario
Directory Listings
The mission of Abrigo Centre is to have individuals and families become emotionally healthy, resourceful and self-reliant within a caring and supportive community. In pursuit of this mission, Abrigo Centre provides services that promote effective relationships free of violence and abuse; increase skills and competency to enhance self-esteem and self-confidence; and support all individuals, families and the Portuguese-Speaking communities in achieving their fullest potential.
West Vancouver, British Columbia
Directory Listings
ACCESS provides a variety of programs and services to assist all Urban Aboriginal Peoples in the GVRD in training, entrepreneurial activities and attaining employment.
Toronto, Ontario
Directory Listings
Accommodation Information and Support offers permanent, affordable, low support housing including 85 self-contained apartments (bachelor, one, two and three bedroom) in 5 locations and 8 units for persons with hearing impairments. It also offers social, recreational and employment opportunities as well as case management and advocacy.
Montreal, Québec (Province)
Directory Listings
L'Accueil chez Frédéric s'est donné pour mission d'offrir un approvisionnement matériel essentiel aux familles et aux personnes à faible revenu de Montréal-Nord et de la région métropolitaine, ainsi que d'encourager le réseautage, la responsabilité et la prise en charge par des projets de partenariat, de réintégration, de formation, et de croissance personnelle.
Ottawa, Ontario
Directory Listings
Help in locating temporary or permanent housing or obtaining placement in social housing, maintenance of a registry of available housing at affordable prices in the private sector, assistance to individuals and families in settling housing disputes or issues; and legal counsel related to housing and discrimination.
Prince George, British Columbia
Directory Listings
Provides assistance to lower income people dealing with various government agencies including services for disabled. Acts as a guide for the empowerment of education and self-determination of the poor and acts as an agent of change for inclusive community. Provides management for downtown emergency shelter on Third Avenue.

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